
Just a little of your time and a lot of your talent makes a positive impact. In return, as an active volunteer, you will:

  • Stay up-to-date on current issues affecting your industry.
  • Develop services/activities that benefit diecutters, diemakers, and industry suppliers.
  • Enhance your skills and leadership abilities.
  • Develop professional relationships and support networks.
  • Enjoy the camaraderie of your peers.
  • And much more!

Awards Committee

Reviews the different awards that are currently authorized by the Association to determine the proper criteria for the awarding of such awards; advises the Association Board of Directors on procedures to facilitate the unbiased and fair selection of recipients of awards authorized by the Association; and oversees the recommendation process for award recipients.

Education Committee

Develops integrated strategies for creation and delivery of the Association’s educational offerings to make them diverse and easily accessible.

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Finance Committee

Advises the leadership regarding Association finances and assists in the drafting the annual budget. Recommends policies and procedures related to financial matters.

Membership Engagement Committee

Creates, organizes and implements ongoing membership marketing plans and efforts to increase Association membership and/or increase retention of existing members; mentors new members through telephone contacts.

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Membership Recruitment Committee

Helps to increase our membership by reaching out to prospective members by phone, developing marketing efforts to increase IADD membership and represents the IADD at industry trade shows.

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Nominating Committee

Identifies likely candidates to fill Board seats and assesses their suitability and willingness to serve. Presents a slate of candidates for available Association leadership positions which is used to prepare the official election ballot. The Committee, whose operations are governed by IADD Bylaws, Article XI, consists of a Chair (usually the Immediate Past President) and four other members. At least two of the five members must be members of the Board of Directors.

Odyssey Planning Committee

Oversees planning and implementation of the bi-annual Odyssey Expo trade show, including site selection, programming, registration, exhibits, etc.

Sales & Marketing Committee

Oversees creation and implementation of ongoing sales and marketing plans to promote the Association's products and services with the goals of increasing revenues, attendance at meetings and use of the TechTeam™; identifies target audiences and develops key Association messages to provide consistent branding of Association products and services; assists in developing marketing and promotional brochures, emails, etc.

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Technical Services Committee

Creates new and improves existing technical products and services; identifies or drafts technical articles for the monthly magazine; develops videos, white papers, publications, etc.; oversees operation of the TechTeam™.

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Volunteers Coordinator

  • Leanne Schimming

    Leanne Schimming

    Chapters, Volunteers & Education Coordinator, International Association of Diecutting and Diemaking

    View Profile


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