Adko, Inc.

6901 Jenny Lind Rd. Fort Smith, AR 72908 USA


Photo of Adko, Inc.
Photo of Adko, Inc.

Primary Business

Diemaker - Commercial

Secondary Business Type(s)

Manufacturer, Distributor

Cutting Dies - Label

Flat Label Dies

Cutting Dies - Rotary

Lasered Kerf, Steel Rule Dies

Cutting Dies - Flat Steel Rule

Blanking Dies, Jigged Kerf, Lasered Kerf, Layered Dies, Routed Kerf

Cutting Dies - Other Types

Clicker Dies

Diecutting Supplies

Blanking Grids, Counterplates, Creasing Matrix, Cutting Jackets, Urethane, Cutting Pads, Cutting Plates, Die Storage Systems, Diecutting Press Accessories, Gripper Bars, Makeready Supplies, Soft Anvil Blankets

Diemaking Supplies - Full Line Supplier

Steel Rule Die Supplies - Flat and Rotary

Diemaking Equipment

Jig Saws, Manual/Semi-Automatic Rule Benders and Notchers, Nick Grinders

Diemaking Supplies - Other

Adhesives and Pressure Sensitive Films and Tape, Carbon Paper, Counterplate Materials, Die Ejection Material, Jig Saw Blades, Knife Connectors/Common Joiners, Mallets, Punches and Tubes, Punches and Tubes, Custom, Spring Guide Pins

Diemaking Supplies - Dieboard

Birch Dieboards, Flat, Composite Dieboards, Laser Dieboards, Maple Dieboards, Flat, Maple Dieboards, Rotary

Diemaking Supplies - Rule

Coated Edge Rule, Edge Hardened & Preground Rule, Flat Rule, Perf Rule, Rotary Rule

Diemaking/Diecutting Services

Consulting Services, Graphic Design, Laser Dieboard Burning, Machinery Repair/Upgrade/Automation Services, Rule Coating/Hardening, Sample Cutting, Training Services, Waterjet Cutting Services