August Graef GNU GmbH

28 Wernerstraße Wuppertal 42285 Germany



Philipp Koll

Managing Director

Primary Business

Supplier - Manufacturer

Diecutting Supplies

Creasing Matrix, Makeready Supplies

Diemaking Supplies - Full Line Supplier

Steel Rule Die Supplies - Flat and Rotary

Diemaking Equipment

Manual/Semi-Automatic Rule Benders and Notchers, Nick Grinders

Diemaking Supplies - Other

Die Ejection Material, Jig Saw Blades, Mallets

Diemaking Supplies - Rule

Annealed Clicker & High Die, Brass Rule, Coated Edge Rule, Edge Hardened & Preground Rule, Flat Rule, Perf Rule, Rotary Rule

Diemaking/Diecutting Services

Rule Coating/Hardening