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Efficient Processing on a Highly Integrated Flat and Rotary Combination Laser

What abilites can be expected with a flat and rotary combination laser, and why and when do you use a combination versus two seperate units of laser machines? This program offers a comparison of possibilties and efficiency based on current latest technology. Recorded 2023.

Instructor: Ralf Penzkofer, Lasercomb GmbH

Running time: 28 min.

IADD members* receive a 25% discount on most items; login to access your discounted product.

Member discounts are only available to active IADD patron, company, affiliate and associate members in good standing. *NOTE: Individual membership is a modified form of membership which is not eligible to receive this discount. If you would like to upgrade your membership, please contact us.

Non-Member Price: $49
Member Price: $36.75