President's Column - October 2024

President's Column,

I have written to you about how it seems that time flies now quicker than it has ever moved before. Looking back to when I first accepted this role, I am amazed at how much and how little has changed in such a short period of time.
In my last column to you, I shared what my physical health journey has been over the past few years. Some things change slowly through time. Sadly, my recovery is one of them. Forever, the optimist, I will stay focused on the slow and steady approach. 

Another slow mover has been the return to the “new normal,” as COVID has stepped aside as a pandemic and entered a less earth-halting role, now being thought of and treated more in line with the common flu.

With this, in person meetings have made a return. Yay! We have seen our beloved industry tradeshow, the Odyssey, come back! YAY! As a matter of fact, we are well into the planning of our next show. I hope to see you all in Atlanta, GA, USA at the Cobb Galleria Centre, May 7-9, 2025!

There have been more consolidations—from converters, to diemakers and distributors—in the past two years than I have seen in the 15+ other years I have been in the industry. With this, we have seen multiple iconic figures retire as some “new blood” enters.

Sadly, I have had to say goodbye to entirely too many colleagues during this time. Individuals that I have worked with and volunteered with for years and who will forever remain in my heart. They will be remembered and missed dearly. They were true friends.

This is all part of it, though. This is how life goes. It does not stop just because you have arrived or because it is your time to leave. It keeps going. 

One thing that remains constant and strong throughout my journey is my passion and support for the IADD. I think one of the beautiful things about this association is that, just like life, it keeps going. 

I have worked with many friends through the years, and so much of what I know and who I know, I can thank the IADD for. I continue to meet new friends, and I am excited to work with them for years to come. As the industry continues to change at a more rapid pace than seen in some time, we need the association now more than ever. My passion in connecting with people and connecting people with one another will forever grow. I look forward to adding new and deepening existing connections with our members as I step into my new role of Immediate Past President and pass along the official gavel to Rob McCann of Bobst Group as your new President. Congratulations, Rob! I know you will do amazingly in this role!

I appreciate all the help from the IADD staff: Cassi Mills, Leanne Schimming and Jenny Holliday. These three ladies are inspiring with the number of plates they keep spinning and how quickly they can pivot directions. As a Board, we have become more interactive with the staff, and I look forward to continuing down that path. 

I would like to give thanks to Ed Mucci, David Bialoglow and BethAnn Bialoglow Masiello, the owners of National Steel Rule, for allowing me to take on this role and supporting me through this journey. 

I would like to give a very special thank you to my brother, Tom Dearman for his support as well... Really in everything! It makes me chuckle that these days, when I volunteer for just about anything, it truly means, we volunteer because it often results in, “Hey Tom, I need your help real quick…”

Lastly, I would like to thank you, my Loves! It is all of you that make up my IADD family. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to have served you and very much look forward to seeing and working with you soon!
I may have been the first female president, but I am confident that I will not be the last. I hope that my serving helps encourage the next uncertain individual out there!

Jennifer Thoroe is Director of Customer Service & Business Development for National Steel Rule, a steel rule manufacturer based in Linden, NJ, USA. She joined forces with National on November 1, 2018 after working in the industry and volunteering with the IADD for over 15 years. She moved up to NJ from GA in the summer of 2019. One pandemic and three moves later, Jennifer is finally settling into her home near the Jersey Shores with her awesome super-fantastic brother Tom and his even cooler dog, Kelowna.

She has consistently used her time and talents to bring greater value to IADD members, whether through chapter activities, managing volunteers, Board service or overseeing myriad membership recruitment and retention activities. For this, Jennifer received the 2017 IADD Cutting Edge Award, one of the Association’s highest honors. She is the first woman to serve as IADD president.

The President's Column appears in The Cutting Edge, the IADD's monthly magazine.